GetCM.exe (New Version) - gets new CM version from Web or file share ----------------------- Parameters: /n - CM Service profile name /d - CM Service directory /l - local version filename /serververfile - URL to server version file (http://server/ver.txt) or server's file share path (\\server1\share\ver.txt) /serverinstall - URL to profile.exe (http://server/profile.exe) or servers's file share path (\\server1\share\profile.exe) /fileshare - specifies whether to use a file share instead of a URL. (0 - default - no file share, uses URL; 1 - uses fileshare) /sleep - Optional sleep time /mbtype - Optional message box type (0 - default, no message box; 1 - OK message box, 2 - YES/NO messages (gives user control to download or not)) /text - Optional message box text (quoted text) /maxbytes - Optional maximum bytes to download default 1MB - only applies when using URLs (not used for fileshares) Usage: /n %ServiceName% /d %ServiceDir% /l LocalVersionFileName /serververfile ServerVersionFile /serverinstall ServerProfileExe /fileshare fileshare /sleep opt_sleep_in_sec /mbtype opt_msgbox_type /text "opt_msgbox_string" /maxbytes max_bytes_to_download Example: /n %ServiceName% /d %ServiceDir% /l cmversion.txt /serververfile http://server1/share1/cmsrvver.txt /serverinstall http://server/cm/selfhost/profile.exe /fileshare 0 /n %ServiceName% /d %ServiceDir% /l cmversion.txt /serververfile http://server1/share1/cmsrvver.txt /serverinstall http://server/cm/selfhost/profile.exe /sleep 0 /mbtype 0 /maxbytes 2000000 /n %ServiceName% /d %ServiceDir% /l cmversion.txt /serververfile http://server1/share1/cmsrvver.txt /serverinstall http://server/cm/selfhost/profile.exe /sleep 0 /maxbytes 2000000 /n %ServiceName% /d %ServiceDir% /l cmversion.txt /serververfile http://server1/share1/cmsrvver.txt /serverinstall http://server/cm/selfhost/profile.exe /mbtype 1 /text "A new version of CM will be downloaded." /n %ServiceName% /d %ServiceDir% /l cmversion.txt /serververfile http://server1/share1/cmsrvver.txt /serverinstall http://server/cm/selfhost/profile.exe /mbtype 2 /text "Do you want to download a newer version?" /n %ServiceName% /d %ServiceDir% /l cmversion.txt /serververfile \\server1\share1\cmsrvver.txt /serverinstall \\server\cm\selfhost\profile.exe /fileshare 1 /n %ServiceName% /d %ServiceDir% /l cmversion.txt /serververfile \\server1\share1\cmsrvver.txt /serverinstall \\server\cm\selfhost\profile.exe /fileshare 1 /sleep 0 /mbtype 0 /text "" /maxbytes 2000000 /n %ServiceName% /d %ServiceDir% /l cmversion.txt /serververfile Z:\share2\cmsrvver.txt /serverinstall Z:\share3\profile.exe /fileshare 1 /sleep 0 /mbtype 0 /text "" /maxbytes 2000000