===================================================== InstCM.exe - installs a downloaded update ----------------------- Parameters: /n - CM Service profile name /d - Service Dir /e - .exe name to launch. Filename format (name.exe) /sleep - Optional sleep time /mbtype - Optional message box type (0 - default, no message box; 1 - OK message box, 2 - YES/NO messages (gives user control to install or not)) /text - Optional message box text (quoted text) /o - Optional parameters (this needs to be the LAST parameter, because everything after /o flag is considered as an optional parameter) Usage: /n %ServiceName% /d %ServiceDir% /sleep sleep_time /e exe_name /mbtype msg_box_type /text quoted_text /o optional_params Example: /n %ServiceName% /d %ServiceDir% /sleep 0 /e profile.exe /mbtype 1 /text "A new version will be installed." /o /q:a /c:"cmstp.exe /s profile.inf" /n %ServiceName% /d %ServiceDir% /e profile.exe /mbtype 2 /text "Do you want to install a newer version?"